i think dubstep is forever ruined for me because it's all the d-bags i work with talk about. i hear "yo just when that bass drops it's like shiiiiiiiiTT! like it's all like WAH-WAH-WHOOOOOOO-WAH, y'know bro, like it's just so grimey!" over and over when i'm at work and i just can't help but associate the music with that image. but that sigor ros song is dope!
whoa 6 tuesdays worth of dubstep!
the Mr. Postman remix is awesome!
i think dubstep is forever ruined for me because it's all the d-bags i work with talk about. i hear "yo just when that bass drops it's like shiiiiiiiiTT! like it's all like WAH-WAH-WHOOOOOOO-WAH, y'know bro, like it's just so grimey!" over and over when i'm at work and i just can't help but associate the music with that image. but that sigor ros song is dope!
i love the mr. postman one. so ill. haha
and sam, i'm sorry the douche bags at your work ruined dubstep for you. that's a bummer. but i'm glad you like one of the songs at least!
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