These Levi's were found in the late 1800's in a mine somewhere out west. Maybe Nevada. The white spots on them are candle wax from the candles that they used to use to see in the mines.These jeans fascinate me.
Here's a link to in interview with Beach House about their new album, Teen Dream, due to drop January 26th. I heard some of their new stuff when I saw them on tour with Grizzly Bear and it was awesome. Much more upbeat than they're old stuff. Something definitely to look forward to.
I just found out about these guys through youhavebrokentheinternet.I found them to be really cool and inspirational. Their products are amazing and they seem like really interesting guys. I like how they appreciate how things were made in the past compared to how dispensable they are now. I really want to purchase one of their belts or wallets.
In June I went and saw Grizzly Bear with Here We Go Magic at Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill,North Carolina. It was the best show I have ever seen to say the least. The whole show was such an experience. We met Chris Taylor after the show and was super nice and down to earth. We almost met Luke and Jenny from Here We Go Magic they were very nice as well.
Last month, I went and saw them again at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta. This time they played with Beach House. It was equally as epic as the first time I saw them. "Lullabye" was such an experience. Their light show was a lot better this time around. Beach House was also awesome. From what I heard, their new album is going to be awesome.
I've decided to revamp this blog and start using it again. Over the next couple of posts I plan on going over what I've done since my last post.
This blog will become my outlet for things I find interesting along the lines of music, fashion, travel and pretty much whatever I like and feel like sharing with others.
So, shall we begin?
Here's the official video for Grizzly Bear's "Ready,Able." It's really trippy yet it fits Grizzly Bear in the context that all their other music videos are as strange as this one.